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About the Exceed Uni-Valve

The Uni-Valve from Exceed is the latest water fed pole in line, on/off valve. This will only work with water fed poles that have internal tubing. Non-intrusive, no permanent modifications to your pole are necessary at all. Very easy to operate and install, and a great add-on for those concerned with water conservation on the job.

To install, simply cut two feet of 5/16" tubing and using the provided hose clamp, attach this tubing to the barb on the Uni-Valve nearest the U in Uni-Valve. Attach the rest of the 5/16" pole tubing to the barb on the opposite side of the Uni-Valve using the provided hose clamp. Feed the tubing and Uni-valve (short piece of tubing first) through your water fed pole, and pull the tubing through your pole tip or angle adapter, then secure another clamp around the tubing where it comes out of the pole.

The Uni-Valve will sit securely in your water fed pole's #1 section. To use the Uni-Valve, just tug on the tubing at the bottom of the pole to start the flow of water. To stop the flow of water, tug on the tubing at the bottom of the pole. 

*Color may vary 
**Not compatible with High Flow Hosing


  • Easy to Operate and Install
  • Only Works with Internal Tubing Water Fed Poles
  • On/Off Tugging Technique for Water Flow
  • Durable and Long Lasting
  • Saves Time and Water

Questions & Answers

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  • Is the Univalve compatible with Tucker water fed poles?

    The Exceed Uni-Valve is compatible with any water fed tubing with an Inner Diameter of 3/16"

  • Will this increase water flow/pressure?

    No, The Exceed Uni-Valve is specifically to control your waterfed flow, like an on/off switch spliced into your waterfed hose. If you want to increase your water FLOW, you can get the XERO High Flow Hose, but your pressure will slightly decrease. If higher water pressure is more important to you, stick with the original XERO Hose, or add in a pump.

  • Does this work with any of the xero poles (preferably ones in my shopping cart)?

    Yes, this will work with any XERO pole as they all use the same 5/16" hose

  • Hi, will this work on the Xero DI system with the high mod carbon fiber wfp?

    Yes, the Uni-Valve will work on any WFP with internal tubing.

  • Does this regulate water-flow?

    The Univalve installs INSIDE the pole right under the brush inside section #1. Tug once on the tubing and it shuts water OFF. Tug again and turns water ON, all at the brush!

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