*Ground shipments to the continental US.

What is a window cleaning T-bar?
Although it’s quite simple, a window cleaning T-Bar is a key component of traditional window cleaning and is one of the first tools you’ll reach for when starting a job. The mighty T-Bar is designed to hold an absorbent sleeve so you can easily apply window cleaning solution and efficiently scrub a large surface area. This tool is shaped like the letter ‘T’, hence the name T-Bar. This shape not only makes the name of the tool easy to remember but allows it to be used handheld or fixed to a pole for extended reach.
The shortest part of the T-Bar is typically the handle, although this is also where you can insert a pole tip to extend your reach. The segment running perpendicular to the handle is where an absorbent sleeve or mop will be slipped onto. This portion of the tool that supports the scrubber is usually cylindrical, which allows it to be slid and rotated across surfaces at varying angles. The same part might even have cleverly engineered pockets to increase fluid retention so you can cover more ground before reaching for the cleaning solution again. If you like customization or fine-tuning your setup, you’re in luck! There are a wide variety of sleeve materials and textures to choose from for your T-bar depending on your particular needs.
T-Bars are the foundation of professional cleaning solution applicators and come in a range of sizes and designs. Some T-Bars will even swivel, these work especially well with a pole because they allow you to approach the glass from unique angles and get to those hard-to-reach areas! T-Bars can also be holstered in BOABs or dunked in regular buckets to then apply your soapy solution so don’t forget to check out accessories that will help you get the most out of your equipment. In the end, your squeegee needs your T-Bar to get the job done, making it a non-negotiable piece of equipment in your cleaning arsenal.

What T-bar Should I buy?
The right T-Bar for you mostly depends on the size of the windows you will be cleaning and if you’d like to attach it to a pole. Ideally, you want your T-Bar to cover as much surface area as possible while maintaining the ability to scrub in multiple directions. Obviously, windows come in all shapes and sizes! This is why professional cleaners will have a collection of T-bars of varying lengths.
If you plan to use your T-Bar with a pole, consider the models that swivel, such as the Sörbo Swivel T-Bar. By doing so, you are no longer boxed into approaching the glass head-on, perpendicularly. This increased maneuverability allows you to work around objects that might be obstructing the glass and get those pesky, hard-to-reach corners without straining yourself. With that being said, it’s important to consider pole compatibility when choosing your T-Bar. What pole do you have or plan to have? And what attachments will the pole tip support?
Ergonomics is another factor to consider when choosing the right T-Bar for you. Maybe you prefer a narrow handle, or something wider, you might even want it contoured to the curvatures of your hand. Everyone has personal preferences when it comes to comfort so there are options available for every liking.
The last and often overlooked consideration is fluid retention. Some T-bars are made with ‘cavities’ or ‘pockets’ designed to hold more water under your scrubbing sleeve. These crevices are wonderful for tackling glass that might be hot and quickly evaporating your solution. Conversely, you might be working over carpet or other delicate surfaces and want your mop to hold less fluid to minimize cleanup due to unwanted drips. If that's the case, opt for a solid T-Bar with no cavities that would increase water retention.

What is an ergonomic T-bar?
An ergonomic T-Bar is designed to comfortably fit the natural contours of your hand and aid in efficiency. When you’re working long days and cleaning a large volume of glass, a naturally fitting T-Bar handle can provide a great advantage. The hand-friendly design can reduce fatigue and increase speed while maintaining comfort. The repetitive motions involved in cleaning can take a toll on your body so it’s important to take advantage of anything that can keep you performing in tip-top shape!
The cleaning solution is slippery so your squeegee can glide smoothly across the glass, it can also make your tool handles equally as slippery! Some of these specially engineered T-Bars have textured grips or utilize a soft rubber compound so you can minimize fumbling your equipment on the job. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you can keep your tools in your hand!

Can T-Bars be used with an extension pole?
T-bars can be attached to extension poles to increase reach and accessibility. Rather than setting and climbing a ladder, you might consider using a pole to get the job done from the safety of the ground. When you’re done, you can remove your T-Bar for handheld use once again! Some T-Bars will snap onto a pole, some are threaded to screw onto a pole, some are pressure fit, and some do it all! Fixed T-Bars can be used on poles however, the swiveling variety works exceptionally well; they allow you to approach the glass from multiple angles. Having options for accessibility is great when you need to work in tight quarters that might limit movement. For many cleaners, the freedom of motion found with a swiveling T-Bar on a pole might simply be more comfortable and therefore more sustainable during those long days.
It’s important to keep tool compatibility in mind. Many T-bars adhere best to a pole tip of the same brand, resulting in a rigid connection as well as rapid attachment and removal. The ability to quickly switch between tools on the job maximizes efficiency and minimizes frustration. For this reason, many extension pole tips are interchangeable so you can make adjustments for whatever T-Bar you prefer. Some pole tips are more universal than others and will accommodate a variety of brands! To get your set up dialed in like the pros, take the quiz, Which Pole Tips are Compatible with your T-Bar?

More on Fixed T-Bars...
Fixed T-bars are among the arsenal of tools that build the foundation of a traditional window cleaner. The simplicity of a fixed T-bar makes it a predictable, consistent, and reliable piece of equipment you can always count on to get the job done. The rigidity of a fixed T-Bar makes it great for handheld use because the grip won’t shift around and require readjustment throughout the day. Because there are no moving parts on a fixed T-Bar, they are very durable. This means they can be used frequently and handled roughly without risk of damage allowing you to save money on replacing worn equipment.
Fixed T-Bars are generally more affordable due to their simplicity. In fact, most fixed T-Bars are a single piece of plastic, although a handful are made with aluminum as well. Despite their simple design, fixed T-Bars can still be used with poles so you can maintain safety by keeping your feet planted on firm ground. And of course, having a nice bucket or BOAB to compliment your T-bars is a must-have! Check out the Ettore Pro+ Fixed T-Bar.

More on Swivel T-Bars...
If you appreciate versatility and prefer to have options, a swiveling T-Bar might be right for you. This is another key piece of equipment in the traditional window cleaner’s collection. This tool is especially valuable when performing pole work! When your scrubbing sleeve can pivot, it allows you to reach corners, work in confined spaces, and use more natural movement patterns. Together, this means you’re working smarter, not harder, which ultimately saves you valuable time.
Don’t forget, many swiveling T-Bars can still be ‘locked out’ to a fixed position if desired. The swivel action is often adjustable at the pivot point so you can fine-tune the stiffness to your preferences. The swiveling T-Bars are still compatible with BOABs so you can alternate from hand work to pole work in seconds. There’s a world of opportunities when you can pivot, making the T-Bar a cherished resource in the window cleaners repertoire. For this valuable reason, you can expect a swiveling T-Bar to cost more than its counterpart, the fixed T-Bar.
Quality traditional window cleaning doesn’t require much; Practice, some elbow grease, and just a few tools. The T-Bar is one of these few tools and will be your best friend in no time. As a traditional window cleaner, you’ll be spending a lot of time with your new best friend so don’t rush into choosing it! Remember, there are many factors to consider such as size, fluid retention, and swiveling capabilities all of which could affect the quality and efficiency of your service. Whether you’re an amateur or professional, a T-Bar suited your needs can make your life a whole lot easier so be sure to stock up on everything you’d need to be prepared for a variety of situations.