Window Cleaner Relief Fund
The Mission:
The Window Cleaner Relief Fund is dedicated to providing financial assistance to any window cleaner who has experienced an unexpected injury or tragedy on the job. We also aid to help their families in the event of a death.
Current Fund Balance:
The Window Cleaner Relief Fund was created to aid window cleaners that have been injured on the job. In the event of death or permanent injury, funds can go to the family of the deceased.
We are opening the fund with a $10,000.00 initial pool. If you or someone you know is a window cleaner and has been injured on the job, fill out the details below to be considered.
While we certainly understand and sympathize with the struggles of starting a business, affording tools and other similar matters, The Window Cleaner Relief Fund is only for window cleaners that are injured on the job or funding family members in the event of death. We'd like to reserve funds for these serious situations and so we will not be funding anyone for tools, equipment, etc.
Anthony J. D'Angelo once said, "Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community." We have seen the community come together many times over the years when a fellow brother or sister has had a fall, tragedy, accident or other unfortunate event. We want to take this one step further with the Window Cleaner Relief Fund. When the people of our industry come together, anything is possible. Stay safe, be kind and above all else, be a force for good!
Support Jason's Rehabilitation
Jason, a self-employed window cleaner in Westbury, Wiltshire, suffered life-altering injuries after being electrocuted while working near high-voltage power lines. The impact of the electrocution threw him several meters, leaving him unconscious until a homeowner found him. He was airlifted to the hospital, where doctors performed an emergency amputation of his left forearm. Over the following weeks, he underwent 20 major surgeries, including the removal of five toes and extensive tissue from both legs, leaving him unable to walk.
A devoted husband and father of three young children, Jason had built his small cleaning business over two years but can no longer work due to his injuries. His home, a three-story townhouse, has required significant modifications, including a stair lift and specialized furniture. He has received a basic prosthetic arm through the NHS, but a more advanced bionic arm would cost around £25,000 and need periodic replacement. Additional necessary home adaptations, like a walk-in wet room, are estimated to cost up to £12,000.
A GoFundMe campaign has been launched to support Jason and his family during this challenging time. The campaign also seeks to raise awareness about the dangers of working near high-voltage power lines and advocates for industry safety changes. Jason and his father are pushing for mandatory insulation on carbon-fiber window cleaning poles to prevent similar accidents in the future.
Past Donations
Our dear friend David Wyatt fell from a ladder last week and has passed away from his injuries late last night. Not only was he an amazing friend but an exceptional man. We know he loved his family very much and always was a positive resourceful light in our industry. David you are gone but we will NEVER forget you I remember that last hug I gave you on stage at the Summit. I was so proud of you for getting up and telling everyone how you, you just loved what you did. You did it so well. David your legacy will live on forever✨️
"Two employees, Taylor Duggins and Arthur Acosta of NC Window Cleaning, were shot dead and killed in their work truck. Both were described as "hard working guys who took such pride in their work and both loved life and their families."
Click here to read the full article
"All contributions will go directly towards covering the costs of the burial, funeral services, and providing the family with financial support as they navigate through this challenging period of bereavement. Your generosity will help them find stability and peace during their time of sorrow. Any donation, big or small, is deeply appreciated."
Click here to support Arthur Acosta's Family
"On Tuesday, October 15th, 2024, my little brother was tragically taken from us. My brother Arthur was the most beautiful, kind, sweet, and amazing man I have ever met. We want him to be remembered as the man he is, and always will be. Any funds we receive will be used to help my family with any funeral arrangements."
Click here to support Arthur Acosta's Family
"We have been in business in the South Shore of Tampa Bay since 2007. We are Proud to be Woman-Veteran Owned, and I am a Service- Connected Disabled Marine Corps Veteran. This week, our property in Florida was flooded by Hurricane Helene. This area has not flooded in well over 100 years, yet we were not able to obtain insurance because it's a Flood Zone. We are applying for FEMA, but as a business, we might not get any funding. Our current concerns are that we will not be able to have our crews working because our vans need to be replaced. Each day we are without them, are days our crews cannot work, losing more money, and potentially our amazing crew. This is our livelihood. Without it we risk losing our home and more as well. Several people count on us for their livelihoods as well, not just employees, but the small salon that rents space from us. One of my employees lives in the apartment behind our office and he is now homeless and currently jobless. At the very least we need to get vans so we can continue working so we can support our employees and their families, and work towards getting everyone back in as soon as possible. "
Click here to donate to help support No Streaking Professional Window Washing
"hey everyone, on 11-04-23, Devante and another friend of his were in a serious accident. Sadly one of them didn’t make it, Devante is now in the hospital fighting. His dad states “Quick update. There were two people in the car, my son had a 50/50 chance for Nov 4th 2023 to be his last day alive. He got lucky, unfortunately for the other kid and his family, they were not so lucky. Devante is back in surgery for a couple hrs but preliminary observations he should be ok after a couple surgeries and some rehab for his legs. Plenty of other injuries from brain bleeding to, bruised lungs, torn liver and on n on but he's stable and should be ok.” The last update we got he was sedated in the ICU, and will be in the hospital for at least two weeks. He will need lots of therapy and recovery after he gets out. This fundraiser goes completely to Devante and his medical bills and recovery. Any donation counts, if you can’t donate please share and keep Devante and his family in prayers."
"Adam Farrar fell to his death while cleaning windows at the Schneck Hospital in Seymour, Indiana. Mr. Farrer fell 5 stories and was lifelined to an Indianapolis hospital but he succumbed to his injuries. Mr. Farrar leaves behind a wife and 3 children.
At this time, we are unsure what caused the fall, but we as window cleaners need to support his family. I have spoke with his wife and all donations will go directly to her to help cover the cost of final expenses and start a fund to help with the kids' expenses. Please donate as you can."
"Brett fell 20 feet off a ladder two weeks ago. He snapped his femur in half and broke his heel. He had emergency surgery the next morning and now can’t put any weight on his right foot for at least three months, which means he can’t really walk and he definitely can’t drive. They say it may be six months before he can return to work. Needless to say, although I am working full time, I have had to (and will continue to need to) take off work for hospital visits and doctor’s appointments and have very little PTO left, and my income cannot support our little family and we need some help. Brett gets a little help from Worker’s Comp, but it won’t last long and it isn’t much. It’s definitely better than nothing though! Any little bit helps. Thank you!"