Chapter 14
Hey! Remember you are just starting out!
Give yourself a break when things don't go your way. It’s all a learning process and the more you practice the more finesse your technique will have.
If you find yourself running into the same problems, ask yourself some questions.

• Did I reset the squeegee rubber and/or the channel properly after I dropped the squeegee?
• Is the squeegee channel bent?
• Did I quick-wipe and "cut-it-in" properly?
• Am I holding the squeegee at the proper angle?
• Am I applying the proper pressure evenly to the squeegee rubber on the glass?
• Is the squeegee channel loose in the handle?
• Did the solution get "thin" and start drying at the top causing streaks as I began to squeegee?
• Did I "jam the top" with too much solution causing runners?
• Am I quick-wiping all edges and the frame to help prevent runners?

• Did I mix my solution properly? Is it "bleeding" back into the area that I squeegeed?
• Has my solution become too dirty? Low solution in the bucket or boab?
• Do I have a haze on the glass from the mineral deposit remover?
• Did I squeegee it twice with clean solution?
• Did I try to clean the glass in direct (hot) sunlight?
• Did I wet all of the glass, especially the corners and the sides?
• Did I apply enough solution to get the dirt lifted away from the glass?