Chapter 6
Wetting The Glass With The Scrubber
Wetting the glass properly sets the stage for successful squeegeeing and great results. This chapter will teach you how to properly wet and scrub the glass so you will get the best results when you squeegee!

• Don't allow an aluminum extension ladder to contact electrical wires. You will be electrocuted.
• Do not use any kind of scrubby pad on the inside surface of any brand of interior removable glass panel or window with solar (darkening) film. Some have coatings that can be easily damaged.
• Be sure to follow the instructions on the use of stepladders and extension ladders. Do not overreach to get a window. Move the ladder. Do only half of the window, if the window is large, and move the ladder.

Now it's time to wet the glass! Put your scrubber in the solution. Squeeze it out, partially, so it is not dripping. Don't worry, there will be enough solution in the sleeve to do several windows.
Apply the scrubber to the glass and cover it completely with the solution. Be sure to get into the corners. Work the scrubber over the glass several times to loosen all of the dirt and get it up into the solution.
If you don't have a sleeve with a scrubby pad, use a non-scratching pad to loosen the tough spots. Be sure it is a non-abrasive pad. If your sleeve does have a scrubby pad, use it to scrub over all the glass.
Working the scrubber in a methodical manner is important. Work the scrubber up and down (vertical strokes) and then from left to right (horizontal strokes). Make the strokes as long as possible, yet comfortable. Short strokes or multidirectional strokes will not properly cover the glass.
Faulty scrubbing will leave smudges of dirt as the squeegee draws over the unloosened dirt and smears it over the glass. If you have windows with tough spots on them, you can wet several windows ahead to help soften them up. This will help the scrubber lift the dirt off the glass more easily. This will also help eliminate some of the use of the safety scraper.

Do not jam the scrubber against the top of the window frame.
On some windows, the solution will go up under the frame or gasket. Your solution will get slightly dirty as you go along. This is normal. It will get dirty more rapidly as you do the outside windows. Keep a good amount of solution in the pail. This will allow the heavy dirt to settle to the bottom. A small amount of dirt in the solution will not be a problem.
Do not worry. Remember, the process is to get the dirt that is on the glass up into the solution so the squeegee can remove it. You are always removing dirty solution.
Occasionally, your scrubber will get very dirty on a particular window, or if it is dropped into the dirt. Rinse the scrubber out thoroughly before putting it back into the solution. Change the solution and wash your scrubber as needed.
The scrubber picks up the window dirt, and some of this dirt is released into the solution in the bucket each time you dip the scrubber. Dump out the dirty solution when there is about 2" (5 cm) remaining in the bottom of it.
Do not add new solution to the dirty solution!

As the scrubber gets dirty, you can squeeze it out or rinse it out before re-wetting it with the clean solution.
After wetting and cleaning a few windows, you might notice that the solution is thinning out as you apply it to the glass. It's now time to wet the scrubber again. You will want to get enough to do another group of windows. Do not drown the scrubber. Gently touch the solution with the scrubber to pick up some solution.
After several times you will know how to get the right amount of solution to do several windows and not have the solution dripping out of the scrubber.
Bring a pail along to hold the dirty towels and the dirty solution that you will squeeze out of your scrubber.
Do not squeeze the excess solution on the scrubber back into your clean solution, because it will transfer dirt from the scrubber into the clean solution

The hotter the weather, the quicker the solution will dry out.
If the solution on the glass gets too thin (either from the evaporation of the solution or not applying enough solution) the windows will streak as you squeegee them.
This is because there will not be enough solution to keep the dirt lifted up and away from the glass during the squeegeeing process.
The solution on the window will look like frost or like matte finish paint. Watch for this effect as the solution dries and thins out. The top of the glass will dry out faster than the lower portion, as gravity pulls the solution downward.