Residential Packages

Can anyone point me to previous posts on residential pricing based on packages. I assume they exist. Thanks

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I do not understand how people have success with packages unless you offer five packages there is holes where you are not meeting the customer’s needs. You have exterior glass, interior glass, screens, the exterior frame where dirt and cobwebs gets and the interior track and sill. Every package I have seen there are holes! I tried packaging three packages and customers would go wait I can’t get the outside frames cleaned without having the inside glass done too. It was a mess, anyways good luck with the packages.

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thanks for your input

I may be purchasing responsibid soon but as you can see if a basic customer wants their screens washed I’m going to have to say oh well sorry they only get wiped down unless you have the interior glass done. That seems silly! unless you do like five packages you’re not going to cover the whole window but I might give it a try

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Its just a guide to make it easier for a consumer up sell themselves. If they want something extra just add it in a la carte.

Customer: I really want my screens washed but I don’t need in insides, they still look good.

You: We can absolutely wash your screens. I’ll just add it in to our basic service. And it will only be an extra $x. Bringing your total to $x.

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