Real Estate Agent/Window Cleaner

Is there anyone in here working as a realtor and a window cleaner simultaneously? Search bar doesn’t seem to be working right now unfortunately. I’m considering going into real estate this year and wondering how it’s worked out for you guys who have done both.

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Real estate is my current retirement plan, though on the landlord side. I would think being an agent would hinder being a window cleaner, and the same in reverse.

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I used to have my real estate license, but I feel window cleaning is much better suited for me and my family .

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My question is, do you think both can be done at the same time?

Why’s that?

I think if you own a company and you aren’t the one doing the cleaning, than yes you could do both. Real estate takes a lot of time. You have to network, go on listing presentation meetings, be available at all hours to work on offers and posting listings, etc. It’s another full time job. If it isn’t, then you aren’t making money as an agent anyways and there’s no point.

I will say that if you want to choose between either professions and you can be equally good at both, you’ll make a lot more money as an agent than a window cleaner. Every markets different, but based on our areas home prices, you’d average 20k per sale currently. That’s an average size house around here.


My bad, I meant to write wouldn’t hinder each other.

I tried, and in my experience you can’t do both. They do hinder each other. Real Estate is too time demanding.

Pick one and do it Full Time.

I’ve been considering building up career in real estate while slowly getting out of window cleaning. Considering your experience, looking back do you think that could work?

That was my plan too. It didn’t work for me, and I am glad I quit Real Estate. Window cleaning pays better, and doesn’t take up as much of your free time.

Maybe you should tell us why?

I want to get licensed with my wife and work together as a team in real estate and have an employee help me with window cleaning. The reason is the same reason anyone would, more monies


I recently moved back to Colorado from Johnson City. I worked as a realtor in NE Tennessee for nearly two years. If you’re wanting to get into real estate in the Asheville area, I know where there’s some good agents to talk to. If you’d like, you can send me your info to [email protected] and I’d be glad to help out!


Awesome man thanks a lot!

I recently finished up all my studies in college equivalents to take the real estate license exam in California, now I’m just waiting on the department of real estate to process my application. So yes I am going to transition to real estate. I’m in my 50s now and have been cleaning windows for about 21 years and I think it’s a good exit plan. Fortunately I’ve always been able to have people out working for me so I’m keeping the business. But first things first I got to get that license! I’m really excited about the idea! So I guess I will keep you posted as things progress. good luck to you on your journey!


I used to work as an agent before I was in window cleaning. I 100% love washing windows more. Real estate is a lot more pressure, and it consumes all of your time. Even if you only have a few clients they are calling you all day everyday. Window cleaning you can turn work off. And honestly the pay is the same because the average pay of real estate agents isn’t as high as people think. I don’t regret switching jobs, as it has been the best decision I could of made.


I was a real estate agent from 89 to 94 and I regret spending so many years doing work I was unsuited for. Breaking into a market to get market share can be brutal, much more so than window cleaning. Being on call was very unpleasant when I wanted to be home with my young children, unlike WC where I set my schedule.

I can see that, my question from the beginning has been whether or not it’s possible to be successful at both? I own a smaller business and I can work 2-3 days a week and make enough to pay my bills while dedicating time to real estate. I’m wondering if this is insane or possible. I don’t have enough knowledge about real estate

If you can get your window cleaning business to run its self with 1 or 2 employees and still make enough to pay your bills , I would try and make the switch . You never know , you might be very good and successful at it . But real estate is very hard and time consuming.

The reason I left was that it was very frustrating. I would work on a deal for many hours , just so one bone head can drop the ball somewhere down the line and kill your deal . Too many people involve To get paid . Totally different than window cleaning, checks coming in every day . 1 window job cancels , no big deal . 1 real estate deal cancels and you’re just looking at your commission check fly away . Might be the only check for the month .


Yes anything is possible , but for sure it’s going to be very time consuming and frustrating