New Feature Alert

[FONT=Tahoma]Today I added a new feature to our [COLOR=Red]homepage[/COLOR]. It is a scrolling RSS feed of NWCD. So any new posts over there will show up over here. The most recent topics scroll up the screen. If you hover your mouse over the topic the scroll stops and you can read the post right from WCR! If you double click the scrolling post it will take you directly to that post on NWCD.

Disclaimer: WCR is in no way affiliated with NWCD. I just wanted to make it easy to keep up on the happenings over there with out having to leave WCR.

[COLOR=Black]Chris Lambrinides and WCR - A steadily growing conglomerate taking over the entire economic world![/COLOR] :eek:

why the different colored shirts?

that is not even an exaggeration…

I assure you it is an exaggeration

Our commercial staff wears red, Residential Blue. The entire company was at a very large project yesterday… so everyone was all mixed together.

If that is that the only way to tell them apart at your weekly tailgate safety meetings, I would use name tags.

You could give John, Paul, George & Ringo some ranking stripes for years worked?
Maybe some attitude buttons as well?? :smiley: