My sweet phone book ad for upcoming year (full page): maybe limited ROI, but monthly payments ease the pain

inflammatory? Really?

Why do I ask? Oh lets say worst case scenario after you change the batteries in a smoke detector that a home burns down and someone dies. No fault of yours at all, none. But are you now in the loop of potentials to be held liable?

Everyone loves to pass the buck, us little window cleaners don’t have the war chest to go to court often.


Mettling? Really?


I appreciate you looking out for me but it irritates me that doing a free service for senior citizens to be helpful could somehow be used against me. It almost makes me angry so I wasn’t sure why you were asking. Its really personal because I don’t want to “be told” on a public forum that I don’t have the proper insurance to be doing this type of courtesy service.

I have already called my insurance agent and everything is in place so thanks for the concern. It could be a good bit of education for myself and others to be aware of. I just think its ridiculous, I want to say then that part of window cleaning is smoke detector battery replacement and filter replacement and water softener refill and light bulb replacement interchangeably with squeegeeing glass, but the truth is it is not. So an alteration to ones policy may be in order. However I do building maintenance as well so this is included.

I’m sorry if I sounded rude but I’m doing a good service and I don’t want to be questioned or held liable and not be covered. Good job man, really, thank you for setting me straight.

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a) all good

b) text allows for the reader to insert tone and mood, messes up plenty of simple conversation…again all good.

c) Having a heart is great thing, lets never lose our hearts. But as owners we have to keep our brains with us. Happily tell anyone how having a heart fucked me this year.

d) if you think what I said was in anyway trying to mess around or piss you off you need to get offline. Shit will be much worse and harsher.

e) All hail Trump


Ease up bro. No one was calling you out or setting you straight. Just making sure you arent getting yourself into trouble


Do share, I’m trying to be less nice this year :wink:

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It’s a forum… that just means it’s a place to chat with your mates. Don’t stress that it’s a “public” forum… if there were no “public” here you’d get no feedback :slight_smile:

Listen to the feedback you like, ignore what you don’t. No one means you any harm… and even if they did, what are they gunna do? Drive across the internet and slap you?!

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My Phone add is only $15 a month one small home pays fro the year.

If you are generally concerned that I may be liable for possibly not being covered for a certain courtesy add-on freebie in my ad, could you let me know in a private message? If you are generally concerned that others may use my same marketing strategy and be liable for installing batteries or filters or lightbulbs for free because of not having proper insurance coverage for those specific ad-ons(that is not my concern in this thread), you can start a thread about that. If you have something related to my ad that is positive and upbuilding by all means lets hear it on this thread. NO WORRIES!

alot of rules for posting in a thread, oops i guess i’m breaking them


With all due respect, thats not how public forums work. You get all kinds of comments, the good the bad and the ugly. Why this is bothering you is beyond me, there was nothing bad or wrong about bringing your attention to it. If you’re concerned about people giving you constructive criticism you probably shouldnt put it out there. Do you want people to just pat your back and say good job, whats the point of that? Its not like someone came on here and said your ad was stupid.


Perhaps you shouldn’t post in internet forums if you don’t like the fact that people will respond to those posts.


What’s service do you use?

WCRA "aids to the human judgment to keep this forum clean and well-lighted civilized public discourse"
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Help us make this a great place for discussion by always working to improve the discussion in some way, however small. If you are not sure your post adds to the conversation, think over what you want to say and try again later.
The topics discussed here matter to us, and we want you to act as if they matter to you, too. Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said.
One way to improve the discussion is by discovering ones that are already happening
(insurance based threads rather than phone book ads)
Be Agreeable, Even When You Disagree
You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But, remember to criticize ideas, not people. Please avoid:
Ad hominem attacks (Singling me out and trying to come together to tell me "accept how online forums should be sounds like, “If you don’t want to get assaulted, don’t wear mini-skirts.” logic. That I should give in to the groups attitude rather than having my own idea of how MY THREAD SHOULD BE. USING NUMBERS TO TRY TO hold power over someone who is simply resisting the fact their thread is getting hi-jacked by veering way off topic as usual.
This is MY THREAD, you don’t like the direction of MY THREAD the thread I started, YOU shouldn’t be online! This is borderline gas lighting the way the hall monitors are starting to come together to try and prove a point. Here is a point, MY THREAD, MY TOPIC, I STARTED THIS THREAD AND I DON’T LIKE THE WAY IT WAS VEERING OFF TOPIC, PERIOD.
Knee-jerk contradiction.
Nothing sabotages a healthy conversation like rudeness: (not saying this applies to the original reply but here is another good rule)
Respect each other. Don’t harass or grief anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information.
avoid even the appearance of any of these things. If you’re unsure, ask yourself how you would feel if your post was featured on the front page of the New York Times.
(I’m entitled to state that my marketing/advertising post about my phone book ad and art was not up for insurance discussion as that is a private matter or should be conducted in another thread.)

Keep It Tidy

Make the effort to put things in the right place, so that we can spend more time discussing and less cleaning up. So:

Don’t start a topic in the wrong category.
Don’t cross-post the same thing in multiple topics.
Don’t post no-content replies.
Don’t divert a topic by changing it midstream.

I believe I started this thread in the proper category about marketing and advertising, its not a category for insurance. Its not a category for schooling people on how online forums (even if the form of schooling is gas-lighting, bullying, angry mob tactics or miniskirt logic tactics). They won’t work on me, I’m strong willed, honest, and I won’t back down from a fight. I also won’t throw my pearls before swine.
The original poster that said something about my insurance (way off topic from what I had in mind), I had no problem with the criticism however I did state that it was off topic and I felt it could be inflammatory without understanding the motive behind the question. I simply stated that I didn’t like that and seemed inflammatory, he replied that it was just a misunderstanding and now we’re cool. But we don’t need everyone else trying to state their two cents. If you like my phone book ad pat me on the back if you have constructive criticism about my ad thats cool too. If you want to change the subject please start anothter thread.

wow have ever read another thread, most of them steer off topic all the time, posting what you expect you deserve from the forum isn’t reality, starting a topic is like planting a seed, its going to grow it just may not grow the way you expected it to. No one here is paid to provide the particular answers you desire.

I found your ad very interesting in regards to the light bulbs and smoke detectors as I live in an area with a huge retired community, so when the topic of the insurance is brought up it was very informative, granted it was not what you asked for, however it did provide useful information to others here who may have thought thats a great idea but hey I better now check with my insurance so if shit hits the fan they are covered.

So to bring it back on topic I have 2 phone books I advertise in they are not cheap, if I were to take out a full page ad in them i would be looking at 5k+ I only have small ads in them and still each costs me $1200 per year, like I said with a huge retired community the one year I opted not to I had a huge lack of calls, the phone books here also give online marketing too.

You have a nice clean ad which i’m sure will make you $$

I guess the only real question when reading the initial statement was how much did it cost, other than that I really don’t know what you expected from the title.


Ok if you take my post out of context that’s what the fake news does, lol.

"This is MY THREAD, you don’t like the direction of MY THREAD the thread I started, YOU shouldn’t be online! This is borderline gas lighting the way the hall monitors are starting to come together to try and prove a point. Here is a point, MY THREAD, MY TOPIC, I STARTED THIS THREAD AND I DON’T LIKE THE WAY IT WAS VEERING OFF TOPIC, PERIOD. "

Mayhaps you need a little training on how the internet works?


Not for nothing, but this is how it has gone the last 5 times you have come back to WCR.


I have to agree with @SqueegeeNinjaNJ on this, every trip WCR takes with you (@JBeauty) it comes to the same dead end.


You’re taking this out of context, fake news, lol.