Insurance and CCC

Are you able to determine where and where not to use a razor is the question.

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Ide rather not as I know razors run the risk of potentially scratching windows. I plan on useing steel wool. However saying this I know it hard to completely stop using the razor. I plan on making a scratched glass waiver with my lawyer and making the customer sign it prior to using the razor.

I know your not supposed to ever touch tempered glass with a razor as FD can be present. And I know you can identify tempers glass by the sticker/etching in the corner

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Youā€™re proly fine with regular GL to start.

@B16bri idk where you are but I got coverage with jdwalters for the full year for 1350. Iā€™m in Texas this includes CCC. (This is with my pwra discount, idk if you are a member but a joint membership is only 99 right now) hope this helps . I so didnā€™t have any equipment or buildings covered just liability for personal property basically

Call my guyā€¦ i just switched over my commercial vehicle insurance to my business policy today and saved over $200 . My guy is good and prices are good.

Give Brendon a call: 515-864-2201.

Tell him Robert from sent you. (I dont get anything)

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Great Advice![quote=ā€œBlackTieAustin, post:2, topic:42250ā€]
Thatā€™s not what insurance is for, itā€™s for the one in a billion chance a 32 foot ladder tips over onto someoneā€™s Ferrari.

would that be under CCC or general?

I havenā€™t read through thte thread yet, but my CCC coverage is only $3,000. My insurance agency doesnā€™t offer any CCC coverage over $10,000 what kind of CCC coverage do you guys have? For me to get the extra $7,000 itā€™s like $120 a year more.

I believe pretty confidently that that would be covered under general. I grilled my insurance agent and he said I would be covered under just about any circumstance.

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None , in my eyes if all I did was storefronts. I wouldnā€™t even have insurance. If I was a solo operator. If you break something pay out of pocket. Even if you had insurance you would pay out of pocket.
My first 3 years in business all I did was storefronts. No insurance.

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@Majestic66 And none of the storefronts you cleaned asked if you had insurance? If they did ask, did any care you were uninsured?

My fear would be someone tripping over my bucket, or ā€œslippingā€ on a little water, and suing. Thatā€™s the kind of stuff insurance should really be for, in my opinion. Oh, or dropping a ladder on a jaguar (but thatā€™s a lot less likely on route work :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

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I feel like a broken record telling new guys why itā€™s important to keep all buckets, step ladders, and gear placed in a corner of the building conveniently out of the way of foot traffic. They just think Iā€™m anal. No, I harbor whatā€™s called common sense. Or maybe I should call it work site ethics. Lol. Prevention is the best insurance policy.


No one ever asked.

Does general liability even cover if someone slips an tries to sue ?
But ya Iā€™m with Zion. Always kept bucket out of way. Always wiped up floors.

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I plan to steal @BostonMike idea and carry bottles of my liquid to squirt on the windows so i dont need to lug my bucket aroundā€¦esp if im doing a long set of windows. Eliminates the possibility of tripping ova me bucket. Unless shes attractive then i might trip her on purpose rofl

I always have a bucket fairly close by so I can rinse my squeegees strip washer and sponge. Definitely not a fan of the new no bucket style of cleaning. That being said I do carry a bottle of bucket solution on my belt.

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Personally, I have never used a bucket. I exclusively use a pump up sprayer. I pre mix 5 gallon containers of solution and fill up the sprayers as I go. Through the day I will rinse or replace my scrubber as needed.


Bathroom sink, waterhose, wherever. Sometimes it is just a matter of wringing it out outside.

I never use a bucket for store front. I use boab filled up. Sometimes i have to go back to van and refill it.

Thats what im thinking. But i guess the arguement can be made its the same time spent with a bucketā€¦tho tripping hazard is avoided