Anybody have an Excel Route Spreadsheet they are willing to share?

I dont think I could handle being on my phone a minute more than I already am… lol


I like the set it and forget it feature. I write it out and boom there it is at a glance all year. No futzing around printing out pages weekly or daily.

It’s a huge time saver to just have it at hand rather than logging into an account to print off the cloud backup. That seems like extra work to me.

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We are consatantly adding new customers , expanding our routes so we are always shifting and moving our schedule. If we just stuck with the same customers then yes we wouldnt have to touch it really.

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I’ve got all the customers I need. There’s no room to add a customer. Very little wiggle room.



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Just curious? What part of the world do you live in?

In my neck of the woods, New England, a nor’easter or a big blizzard can blow out almost a weeks worth of route work. Regular storms blow out a day here and a day there. So I cut and paste everybody who got missed a week forward in the 12 week master. Can’t do that with a paper calendar, can you? :sunglasses:

You probably work in paradise. :slightly_frowning_face:


That is awesome!!! Do you do mostly storefronts? Or a mix of Storefront and other commercial for route work?

Thanks for the link. I have MS Office 2007.
I wonder if there is a way to start a new category to share links like the one you posted? I think it would a great way to help new people, coming on board, start their business without breaking the bank on software.
We could put links to free MS Templates, your link, Google Sheets, etc…
As far as I know, the only way to find them now is to stumble accrossed them within the threads.

That’s what this category is for :wink:

You can also start a thread in this category

Just start a new topic “with a catchy title” and it should catch some traction.

Most new people only worry about the tools they need though, then they go oh boy I need the REALLY important stuff (like software, links etc) to really make this business run like a well oiled machine.


Good to know. Maybe I’ll start something this weekend. Then people can post their links and or pictures of how they list things in their notebooks. I know all the ideas and examples people have shared with me here are a time-saver.

Thanks to everyone,

Always prunning … always looking for new work to expand our route work. But yes if i was comfortable id just leave it too :sunglasses:


Do it to it! Yup. Feelin pretty comfy. Lol


Excel and Google sheets are interchangeable to a point. Converting between any programs is always a little sketchy tho. You can, however use the mobile and online versions of Microsoft’s products for free if you’re looking to keep things consistent.

I’ve used open office for years, but if you’re running a business, i think paying the money for the real deal is worth it. That said, I’ve been getting by with open office and it’s loaded with more features than you’ll ever use.

I wish, though, that I’d done everything in Google’s platform (i.e. Sheets and Docs). Not as powerful as MS Office or Open Office, but it’s free, simple, and cloud based. What i haven’t done in Google, I will work at converting this winter.

A huge benefit of the cloud is that you have your stuff everywhere and anywhere. I’d like to hire my mom as a secretary next year. If i have everything in Google, she can access it from her computer. She can add a customer to my schedule and I’ll see it in real time on my phone. She can make me an invoice and i could print it right there on the spot with my mobile printer. That’s a lot of power for free.