Advice- mid rise

We’ve got a great connection at this location. I’d love some feedback on how to tackle this job. We’ve got a 40ft WFP with no repelling experience. If I could get some help/input on an estimate just to compare to our price/options to complete this job without repelling.

My strategy

  • Buy 60FT WFP
  • We’ve done multiple 4-5 story buildings with Ariel lifts, do the same here just concerned about the landscape
  • Use a scissor lift to boost so 40ft WFP will reach

Get the wfp. You’re going to use it for future jobs anyway.


I agree, you could buy the WFP that you need and add part of that cost to your estimate. As far as the aerial lift, if the ground is stable, you could lay down plywood to lessen the ground bearing pressure of the wheels and not damage the landscaping… there are more costly options, but probably not worth going above and beyond plywood as far as cost goes.

I am comfortable giving some advice on logistics, but I will not be any help with an estimate for this project. I will be watching this to see others advice on pricing… Good luck brother

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Since you already have a water system I would get a pole that would reach and use that method. It’ll lift would be a struggle on one or two sides with the Landscaping. Where the chain link fence is looks like there might be a parking lot on the other side that would eliminate you going on the grass 80-foot lift is expensive here they’re $900 for one day.

If you’re capable of running two poles use your new Pole to reach the highest, use the 40’ following behind. 2 guys one day of work likely a little less, id price that for around $2,500 outside only.


I’d approach this by asking if they have roof anchors, likely don’t. I’d sell the point of using water fed pole as being the safest method and educate them that without roof anchors not even an option to do it from the rooftop which hopefully a safety conscious property manager would think about for all bidders.

Check on water source too.


+1 with Jhans.

Whats the high voltage box in the first couple of pictures? Any signs on those?

Buy the pole my friend. Good job landing by the way! I know we are all thinking it, how much was the bid?? Nicely done.

WFP…Don’t use a scissor lift…get a longer one. I’ve done that before and it makes it harder because you’re limited to the lift, can’t walk backwards.