2017 Wish List

Lol… yes… Much better :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I agree. Every year I write off my mileage. Works out to be a sizable deduction year after year.

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Yes the big boy as long as I move one of my toys the other half will be ok with it. Hard part picking what toy to move to show I’m doing the good thing (lol)

  • New Boots - sometimes even the small things matter

Hopefully something like this for next winter:



:heart:️:heart:️Yes, it was true love at first sight when I saw that snow blower!

Hmmm, maybe you could say that you REALLY need the $10K unit but will have to settle for the smaller entry cost.

Bait and switch, yo?!

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Ooo that’s nice!

You definitely can’t go wrong buying a Honda. They last forever


That thing will make quick work of a large driveway for sure!

Love honda.

hmmmmm, i am in “norh mexico”, the great white north, central canada. we get a lot of cold and quite a bit of snow and yet large blowers like that are rarely worth the trouble. mostly they sit in driveways and garages unused.
i have 2 toro single stage. which i use EVERY snowfall.

@Infinity motto is…." I’m going big or im not getting out of these covers! "


Same here. We have a 16" and a 24". They’re great little machines, and we’ll probably keep them around for the lighter storms.

Unfortunately, they just aren’t built to stand up to the way we use them - for our residential snow removal route. I wear out paddles and scraper bars faster than you’d imagine. And at nearly $100 for those parts on the 24", it gets kind of annoying. Belts also seem to wear quickly.

I will probably end up getting the 24" version of that Honda, just so it’s a little more maneuverable and will fit on my carrier without modifying it.

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my 2 are the toro 621 qzr which is 21" excellent size, and ya you go through paddles but i came up with a mod that extends the life abit, and also found a supplier of the rubber so i could cut my own for $5.
the honda i understand has a somewhat easier blade system to change.
3 of my neighbours have big monsters and i am always faster finished even even in our last 13" dump

  1. Life insurance. My S-Corp just finished buying a policy for me. Now I need to get disability insurance.

Really want disability insurance. Of course health insurance will be nice step if i lose mine with the upcoming possible changes.


US health care is so sad, i seriously feel sorry for americans in that regard. my daughter was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and we just heard the other day that is a $500 per week cost in the us. that would ruin us and i guess for some they just die.

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Sorry about the bad news, Ken. I’m glad to hear it’s at least a bit more manageable out there.

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