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About the Tucker Alpha Scrubber

The Alpha Scrubber utilizes the innovative features of the Alpha Brush in a configuration to allow you to scrub away those tough spots of built-up grime. This lightweight tool will swivel from side to side as you work. Attach it to your water fed pole and supply line to let pure water rinse the windows while you work. 

A Tucker brush block has been outfitted with little gripping teeth to hold the pad in place. The Over the Top Rinse Bar provides water the length of the block to rinse away dirt. When the pad gets worn down, pull it off and attach a new one. These durable pads are designed to tackle the dirtiest of jobs, and you'll get ten to start.

Original Tucker Alpha Scrubbers are 10 inches wide while the XL version gives you 16 inches of coverage to clean more with each pass.

Add your new favorite tool to your waterfed arsenal today. The Tucker Alpha Scrubber Unit comes with 10 pads and you can buy replacements here.

*Not compatible with XERO poles.

T-12Alpha-Scrub-Black T-Alpha-scrub-XL
Manufacturer Part NumberT-12Alpha-Scrub-Black

Questions & Answers

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  • Are there extention poles available for the Tucker pole. Can the pads be used with other brush heads. Thank you

    Hi Gary, all of the XERO water fed poles are a perfect match for Tucker brushes. In fact, they come with a Tucker brush and other water fed accessories when you purchase one. In fact, there is a sale right now on the XERO Micro Basic Carbon Fiber Water Fed Pole that comes with an additional 10 foot extension. Check it out, you may find what you're looking for. https://windowcleaner.com/xero-micro-basic-carbon-fiber-waterfed-pole As well, the pads are most compatible with this because it has velcro on it. The other brush heads do not.

  • I have an Unger pole, with nLite hoses. Will this connect to the Alpha scrubber setup Thanks

    Unger can really only go with Unger, so we would recommend these products instead of the Tucker Alpha Scrubber: https://windowcleaner.com/unger-nlite-radius-brushs https://windowcleaner.com/unger-nlite-solar-radius-brushs https://windowcleaner.com/unger-nlite-rectangle-brush

  • Is the rinse bar plastic or metal?


  • Will this pad work with cleaning of solar panels? Ex.- bird grime, or hard sticky sap on panels.

    Yes, it will do a fantastic job on solar panels, although sap usually requires a little more power to be removed. Check out "Titan Glass Gleam Solar Cleaner". https://windowcleaner.com/titan-glass-gleam-solar-cleaners

  • In what scenario would it be a good idea to NOT use this product?

    Do not use on tinted glass or glass with a nano-coating. Other than that, you should be good.

  • Will this product fit the Unger nLIte aluminum water fed pole?

    Yes it will, however the nLite tubing is too wide of a diameter. You will have to switch to XERO hose.

  • How does the pad do when you pick it up off the window? Will it stay on or does it fall off a lot?

    It never falls off, the velcro is super strong.

  • Will the scrubber scratch the glass or cut film?

    Nope! These scrubber pads are soft enough to not damage the glass or cut film with normal use.

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