Xero Pure WFP system

I told you Josh @Pure_Water_Window_Cl
was the man. :slight_smile:

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I don’t understand why you’re replying to me stating this?

Wont any pumpless system that has 80PSI coming from the building perform the similar at 7 stories?

It is nothing special that he did to do that, it’s just most people don’t have 80 psi coming straight from the building.

UhI[quote=“jhans, post:11, topic:46277”]
7 stories without a pump even with 80PSI coming from building, which is rare, the spec it once it gets to your system and up to the brush Would likely not be enough flow to efficiently rinse windows

It was just a reference back to this. You were not being critical but expressing the same ‘how do they do this?’ I had when I first saw their videos.
The work Josh @Pure_Water_Window_Cl and Ben @Lavage_de_vitres_Uni are doing is leading edge in equipment use and transportation. The fact that it initially appears to go against the grain of normal assumptions makes it even more interesting to me. Light, simple, technical and innovative.


Then this was posted. I miss understood and corrected my 1st statement.

If you think about it 80PSI is great for water pressure from a building and I don’t think many people get that that is to your advantage and huge.

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We do agree that Josh is awesome that’s clear With the valuable information he puts out there.

To clarify, don’t confuse the ability to have 80 psi working one pole at 7 stories a remarkable feat, any system can do.

Would you agree?


“Standing on the shoulders of giants…”. There’s nothing much that we know or do that we didn’t learn from others or adapt to our specific needs, or learn because of breaking something the first few tries.

Thanks for your questions, Jeff.

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No probs. Just a matter of timing between reading as posting. Always good to share.

Are You wearing climbers glass? Those are a must for that job if so. I have a pair but haven’t used them yet. I like your set ups and Thanks for the videos and info!

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Yes, they are climbing glasses! Our favourites are from Belay Specs. They are hand made and last years if taken care of. Also, Y & Y make some really cool ones that are coated in rubber and also some that clip on to your regular sunset glasses or prescriptions.

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