What's up with all these 100k in one year guys?

First advice i agree on. Set your goals higher,
revenue means nothing. Learn and adapt towards your goal. Be obsessed to grow the business to the point you can sell it @Chris @Send_Jim did it. 100k first year solo ? everything is possible but i did less than 20k but i was prepared to learn and study.
My goal this year with 3 people is 300k
next year 600k. The more you learn the ‘easier’ it gets. I started in 2014. Good luck !

Yes success comes with hard work. Though I’m confused when you say “why would you want a billion dollar comapany” anyone with good sense would want that. That’s of course if it’s achievable with hard work. Look up “Grant Cardone” and go 10X yourself!

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he shows by opening up his wallet to show you

I think everyone has a different self worth when it comes to income. I was told a story about two guys that where selling head pieces. One sold them for $1200, he wondered why he could not sell any. The guy up the street had the exact same product, he was selling for $3,000 and was killing it. The difference was that the second guy believed he had an amazing product.

Now with all that bs I just wrote. I am going say this. Weather I make $100,000 or don’t in the first year it does not matter. But if I don’t smash it in the second I may have to go back and review my strategy, because I am going for it. I don’t have all the answers yet, I only have 12 residential customers lined up. I have commercial lined up. So before I even clean a window I am hoping to have a lot more lined up. The moral of my story is I want to be the second guy in the story above. Interested to see how this turns out.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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