Whats a fast and best way to get your first customer

fast?..friends, relatives, neighbors…of course they’ll want a good discount… :slight_smile:
door hangers / flyers for residential. Face to face for storefront… don’t call…
it’s jut numbers…The more people you contact the higher the chance of landing a job,…

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Anybody else round it down or up to a even number? Say your windows count lands you at a total price of 205. To you round that down to say 200 even or up to 210? I read somewhere that customers can relate to a even price better than odd prices

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Thank u will do

Always. I price in 25 increments. Don’t negotiate over 5 or 10 bucks. Just how I operate

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That makes sense

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On the contrary, i do charge by the window. Typically the exteriors are the easiest on storefront, but when you get inside and they have booths or crazy amounts of suction cups, etc I charge an extra percentage on the insides for the pita, and the extra time I think it will take based on prior experiences. You don’t have prior yet, so a buck a pane per side for storefront is just a solid jump in price usually. You’ll know right away if the job is under bid. All these folks telling you they have a guy, and you don’t ask how much he’s charging them yet? Simplest method of finding out is asking.


Yeah your right I’m going to ask em

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