Track Cleaning, do you do it?

Pick up a good handheld vacuum, use a track brush from WCR Store to loosen debris, final brush with cheap paint brush (cheap ones have longer lasting bristles), vacuum, and damp wipe clean.

Sounds like a lot of steps to me.

Hi all! What do you do with the water inside the tracks when you use WFP on the outside windows? I’m new to the window cleaning business and I used WFP last year for some other company and I noticed when using WFP it leaves water inside the tracks of the basement windows…

Really? I do not find it all that difficult to do.

  • A quick brushing to loosen debris
  • A quick run with the vacuum
  • A quick wipe down, or in severe cases scrub with solution on white pad
  • Wipe dry.
    It may be more words to describe than actual action. But could always be quicker to just leave a mud bog behind.

Now, if you want to get into a big ole scrub job and really elbow into it, then there is an extra charge for that. :wink:

Sound thorough