Too big for my britches

In high school, I was in R.O.T.C and would do drops on walls higher than this, so going over a wall, not a problem. Rigging, proper safety, and situations common to window cleaning mid-rise are my interest. Thank you for the advice, Subbing out with training…Interesting…

Get to know other window cleaners in your area. Make friends with them. Get to know their level of quality. If you feel comfortable with them and they are qualified to tackle some big jobs from time to time, you will have an invaluable help. I made a friend this way by one day pulling over to go talk to a window cleaner I seen out. It’s been years ago and we still call each other. We have teamed up to help each other many of times. You might not be able to do every job you get alone, that’s OK. But don’t rush find somebody to invite in on a job until you know them well. (Keep your price confidential.)

I just scanned down the forum and Macroomboy has the right idea. I didnt realize his line of thinking was already proposed. But see what happens with it.

I really appreciate all the help all of you have given me. It’s really kind of bad a** that there are so many people willing to help each other in this industry. I’m glad to be a part of it.