Terminology of the trade

So, many times on here people ask questions regarding one thing or another, but many times people are using their own interpretation of something and calling it one thing when the industry standard calls it another.
Lets use this thread to hammer all that out, I ain’t gonna provide all the terminology as there is soo much and many things would require a video demo to properly illustrate the particular term/technique, but lets get the ball rolling and hopefully a few other vets will throw some input.

lets start with something easy… a window = a window is the several panes in some cases make up the total area space of that one window this can range from 1 panes to multiple panes.

Pane= a pane can vary generally a pane is a piece of glass that is bound from edge to edge, normally more than one pane will encompass the window, but not always.

French panes/colonial/cut ups= grids upon the pane these can include each pane is a part of a grid these windows generally have many panes to clean and take much longer than standard windows.

Louvers (aka. Jalousies) = thin strips of glass normally found in humid high air flow areas for natural cooling

Double hung = 2 panes placed one above the other.

Sliders = 2 or more panes placed side by side with rollers to aid in movement.

anyway I’m getting tried I’ll edit and finish this tomorrow I hope to get some good input


Cool man. Been needing a thread like this. Now does the word “terminology” include jargon like silly squeegee, s-turn, and carving out?


Yea, a standard window, as I describe it, is - casement, 1 piece of glass; double hung, 2 pieces of glass.

I have come across large windows (4’ to 5’ wide and 6’ to 10’ tall) as one piece of glass and other times the same size with all individual 6 inch by 10 inch panes of glass divided by wood. So, how much does it cost and the time involved to clean a window again? :wink:

What are you guys call this window😉

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A casement with grids?


Or, A pain in the a…


How bout a giggamawho? Or even better. A Thingy. Lol

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Hinged cut up or hinged French pane.

I like the way you put it… :wink:

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This is what we Swedish wc:s cleans all day long.
We are persistent as few :muscle:



I met a guy on a side job that called stacks " pea sliders". Said hed done windows for “10 years and thats what theyre called!!!” I never heard this, I asked him twice to enunciate again. Are you sure they’re not piece ladders. And youre just saying it to fast? He exclaimed no. Theyre called pea sliders. So everytime i said “grab the stacks”, he was confused all over again. i just laughed all day.


Let’s get this going.

an opening especially in the wall of a building for admission of light and air that is usually closed by casements or sashes containing transparent material (such as glass) and capable of being opened and shut

a hard, brittle substance, typically transparent or translucent, made by fusing sand with soda, lime, and sometimes other ingredients and cooling rapidly. It is used to make windows, drinking containers, and other articles.

a substance used with water for washing and cleaning, made of a compound of natural oils or fats with sodium hydroxide or another strong alkali, and typically having perfume and coloring added.

[dih-tur-juh nt]
any of a group of synthetic, organic, liquid or water-soluble cleaning agents that, unlike soap, are not prepared from fats and oils, are not inactivated by hard water, and have wetting-agent and emulsifying-agent properties.
a similar substance that is oil-soluble and capable of holding insoluble foreign matter in suspension, used in lubricating oils, dry-cleaning preparations, etc.
any cleansing agent, including soap.
Compare anionic detergent, cationic detergent, synthetic detergent.

Surfactant or _sur_face-_act_ive agent
any substance that when dissolved in water or an aqueous solution reduces its surface tension or the interfacial tension between it and another liquid.

[waw-ter, wot-er]
a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H 2 O, freezing at 32°F or 0°C and boiling at 212°F or 100°C, that in a more or less impure state constitutes rain, oceans, lakes, rivers, etc.: it contains 11.188 percent hydrogen and 88.812 percent oxygen, by weight.

An organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money.
Every business requires some form of investment and enough customers to whom its output can be sold on a consistent basis in order to make a profit.

sole proprietorship
Simplest, oldest, and most common form of business ownership in which only one individual acquires all the benefits and risks of running an enterprise. In a sole-proprietorship there is no legal distinction between the assets and liabilities of a business and those of its owner. It is by far the most popular business structure for startups because of its ease of formation, least record keeping, minimal regulatory controls, and avoidance of double taxation.

S corporation
Type of the US corporate structure in which the firm’s income is passed through its stockholders (shareholders) in proportion of their investment, and taxed at personal income tax rates. S corporations (‘S’ stands for ‘small’) can have only one type of stock and only a limited number of stockholders. Also called subchapter S corporation.

C Corporation (C Corp)
US business organization structure that provides several non-tax benefits (such as limited liability for the owners) and is popular as a staging base for raising large amount of investment capital by going public. Unlike in a S corporation, however, the entity’s income is taxed twice first as corporate income, then as shareholder (dividend) income.

An item or implement used for a specific purpose. A tool can be a physical object such as mechanical tools including saws and hammers or a technical object such as a web authoring tool or software program. Furthermore, a concept can also be considered a tool. “Creativity is the tool which allows a child’s mind to grow.”


The Missed-A-Spot Guy. Lol

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Them. - Us

Stack ladders - Sectionals

Pole - Stick

Scraper - Blade

Fanning - -Carving

Sets. - Jumps

French panes - Cut Ups

Mop - strip washer


Thieving housekeeper- sneaky fatass house nanny that takes your 6" ninja off the counter. When you step out to grab screens, she puts in her closet and says nooooo, i no see your fancy squeegee, maybe you losed it.


Funny - see Thieving Housekeeper


To clean bottom half of window due to signs, neon, blinds


I’m just Picking up checks today
= I’m just doing repeat clients today


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