Swivel handle

Are swivel handles alright for the new guy? Or too hard to learn?

Harder to learn with then non swivel handles. If you may end up dealing with round or half round windows, I might suggest something that swivels and is zero degrees. Those don’t get used much though.


I’ll be doing storefronts for now so probably no circular windows. Best recommendation for a non swiveling squeegee?

whatever YOU like.

Lots of people like different things.

When I started, I went all Unger. Many use Ettore, sorbo, pulex, etc. It’s all a personal preference.

Gotcha. New to it all so I’m just overwhelmed with all the choices. Doesn’t help that I don’t have much money to experiment with different brands lol

No, get the swivel. I like the ettore because I can swivel with just a little pressure. The unger locks into an angle.

Also, AFTER you get your technique down, get a wagtail or excellerator. You sort of have to have your technique before you can do it with those tools.


Ok so someone recommended that I get the moerman excelerator along with my normal squeegees. Should I hold off on the excelerator for now?

You really aren’t going to go wrong with whatever you pick. DON’T buy based only on price. Buy based on what appeals to you.

I like Unger stuff. I like the way it’s designed, the colors and the whole package Unger presents. Other people feel the same way about the brand they choose.

Everyone try’s other brads eventually. So if you get a mix of stuff, it’s all good. I would just recommend whatever you choose, if you mix brands, just make sure your rubber is universal to all the squeegees you will have.

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Yeah, if your budget is tight, don’t spend it on speculative tools (ie “I might like this”). Just get the basics. 18" stainless with handle, 14" stainless and 6" stainless for sills.


Ok cool thanks for input

Oh, you can use ettore rubber in an unger channel, but not an unger rubber in an ettore channel. Results are painful.


I didn’t buy a swivel at first. When I did, I realized it’s a dream. Especially for cutting edges. Grab one!

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Lots of window cleaners cleaned lots of windows for lots of years before swivel squeegees came along.


They also used 100’ sectionals… Screw that.


Ha. Point is, a new window cleaner doesn’t NEED any kind of swivel handle. Especially if his startup budget is tight. They will always be available later on when he starts generating some revenue.


Yeah but the money saved won’t offset the benefit. I’d drop the razor and excellerator first.


I’d drop the excelerator first, last, and every step in between.


It has already been done lol. I was “suspicious” to buy it before I heard that I should drop it so it wasn’t a hard decision to make to drop it lol. Saved me 50$ too. Maybe down the line I’ll get it or something though


If I could stack it I’d climb it.


Guess your safe then?