Snowed Out Cleaning Windows


What fun riding around with you…great slice of life. It’s pouring here. Day off…yeah. Thanks folks.

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Had a PW job in for today. Guess not !!!

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I have a window/PW job for tomorrow. Guess not on that either.

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Ya I have an exterior window cleaning job tomorrow 11am. Looks like I might be able to get it in.

I have two PW and window cleaning jobs scheduled for tomorrow. Snowing here (Ajax) but the temps will be just above freezing. Since my PW can operate, I am doing the jobs.

Why should snow stop us?

Yup. we’re taking the day off. Snow is still coming down hard at 7:12 AM.

Went to work today in the snow. Had two pressure washing and window cleaning jobs:

Both my trailer mounted supply line and pressure hose were frozen solid. So I had to use back up garden hose and spare pressure hose, and had to take my PW off the trailer to reach everything. I brought my PW into the house the night before to avoid freezing.

Did eaves blowouts on two homes, here is one:

Oh, and this is the eaves tool that I use, (the yellow pole you see is an 18’ extension):

I am winterizing my PW equipment tomorrow.

My point is that I made it work when some would stay home. Between the 2 jobs, I made $500 plus tax and was done at noon. It was really cold, wet and awful, but I took pride in getting it done despite the weather.



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@lukethewindowcleaner glad to hear your elbow got better. Why did only one elbow hurt, do you have an unequal amount of repetitive motion with your right side?