New Scrubpad Holder for Pole Work

The Unger Brass Quick Release handle holds onto the thick white scrubbies like a fixie clamp. I probably won’t use it often but it’ll be there on my belt when I need it. Just swap out a channel with my scrub pad and I’ll be good to go. Beats balancing the pad on the end of a pole. Thought of the idea because of another thread earlier this week.


It work better if you fold the scrubby pad in half Mike.
It comes in handy from time to time.


Just be careful not to scratch the glass with those metal jaws :fearful:

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That why you fold the pad in half.

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Why you trying to reinvent the wheeel. :scream:


So it’s not a new idea? First time I ever saw it was earlier this morning week in a video posted on WCR

Anyone have a good method for steel wool on the end of a pole?

Wrap it Aroumd a 10" handle. I came up with it myself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Exactly :wink:

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Thanks! I wish I’d seen it earlier, like 15 years ago. Some guy had a homeowner’s plastic squeegee handle with a blue scrub pad attached to it, in his tool belt video.


I use the thick scrub pads. Maybe an inch thick. I think it’s to thick. Do they fit?

Is that face me after I scratch the crap out of someone’s windows? lol


No its more like this :sob::frowning::anguished::fearful::cry::cold_sweat::flushed::dizzy_face::rage::angry:


Cut the pad in half then double it over should work for you Mike


I found the thread. Thanks @kgfloreswindows

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Looks like the thinner style pads. I like it better. And the new Unger handle is better to. Thanks

Maybe this is a dumb question but why not just use wool over a tbar?

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I started using this tool a few years back, when your doing a lot of pole work and that little scrubby part on your washer sleeve just doesn’t get through the bird dropping etc quick enough, this works great.


I could see an advantage over the wool tbar. I can never seem to find a good place on my belt to keep it.

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I get my white scrubby pads at Ace Hardware.

Any time Mike!