Invoicing Question

How many of you guys or gals line item each service you sell to a client on your invoices?

In my previous job we where constantly running various reports to see how different products where selling so now in my own business i like to run reports periodically to see what I’ve sold in each service. Meaning, if i sell in a window cleaning job along with screen repair and ceiling fan cleaning i would line item each service, i guess its just a habit. Now with my own business making my own bread i sometimes feel like that could hinder selling in the extras that add up. I definitely DO NOT hide any charges from my clients on any service but witch looks better, $150 for window cleaning plus cleaning 5 ceiling fans or $100 for window cleaning and $50 for cleaning the homes ceiling fans.


I don’t separate each step but do have separate services on my invoice and room to write in special services.

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I do, but it’s not very granulated. Window cleaning, screen repair, ceiling fan dusting, and that’s about it.

Oh, one thing you really should do is separate window cleaning ground and window cleaning ladder. It helps when it comes time for insurance. Ground has a different rate than off ground and knowing your numbers can save you big big $$$. And actually having the numbers can help with any insurance audits.