Hydrophylic Glass Breakthrough!

OK people. Check out this video.

This was brought to my attention again on the Glass Smart FB Group. So I contacted the chemist by email and am now in the process of having a sample sent to me for beta testing. It is a coating not a super wetting soap. So there should be no residue once the WFP rinse water “drains”. This can happen with super wetters which are organic, based on a silicon chemistry, or likely even a fluorine chemistry.

Tell me your thoughts. Would you like the chance to beta test a product like this?



That shit would be a game changer if it were Very cheap

If it works las good as your Cheetah product then I want to test it.

I’d like to test this out as well

Wow that is one beautiful sheet of water there

Gives me wood…

My discusions with the chemist are becoming more productive. I am waiting for papers to sign before I receive my sample. He does work for the governement. I just got some numbers from him. And it looks like it definitely will be affordable. Has a 35% ethanol base and is founded on nanotechnology. So a nanoparticle. Will keep everyone posted. Keep your eye on this thread !!!
