How do you take care of your brushes?

I have the Tucker Alpha brush, with the stainless steel rinse bar. Well needless to say I made it maybe 3 months, of compared to some other guys moderate workload. That’s when the rinse bar started clogging out of some of its holes. I soaked it in soap/ pure water, I blew it out with an air compressor. Which this all helped for a few days, and then back to it. I have switched the stainless steel one for the plastic one via recall. Just curious if this has happened to you, if you guys take care of your brushes a certain way, Or any tips?

I was just thinking about this topic. I am glad you asked about brush maintenance. My brush just got clogged and I am not sure how to clean it effectively since I don’t have an air compressor. I look forward to some good insights! Thanks for the question.

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If it is recurring it means you are getting debris in the
line somewhere. There are plugs on the end of the aluminum (it’s not ss) rinse bar which can be removed
to flush it out. Could also drill out the jets a tad.

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Thanks I didn’t think about taking it apart. And rinsing it out.

Also a screen rubber casket inline at the quick connect to pole tube can help keep debri out.

to clean jets: remove one end of hose so the water runs straight through. push a paper through the jet to move the debris into the bar where the water flow will carry it out.

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How do you guys recommend cleaning the jets inset in the brush itself? I have a pencil jet that is pretty much blocked to the point of non-functioning.

do you have a pump? if so attach the pole to the draw side of the pump place the brush in bucket clean water to create reverse flow. this can also be done for the rinse bar and with either use a paper clip to carefully loosen debris.
for pencile jets you can also just use your pole hose to blow out by rmeoving it from the back of the brush and placing it aginst the end of the jet.