Giant Glass Fireplace

Here is a couple of sub-par photos of this giant fireplace that I’ve cleaned twice. The facilities manager told me that when it was installed, about two years ago, it was the largest glass fireplace in the country. There are three panes deep and three panes across on each side. That’s 18 panes. The glass is not tempered and doesn’t have any kind frame. The construction guys remove the panes for me but it’s still a tricky job. Also, there’s nothing I can do about the haze. Any suggestions?

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have you tried different solutions?
i would be tempted to finish with pure water and microfibre to be sure there is nothing left on the glass.

that’s an interesting thought. Are you thinking pure water with no soap to finish?

Yes pure water no soap. If you need to use soap and squeegee it off do that first then polish using a microfibre dampened with pure water then again with a fresh pure water dampened microfiber. This way you’re absolutely sure it’s not any residue from your process. If it turns out it’s from the fireplace itself so be it.

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Does the haze go away when you first clean it and then appear later after the fireplace has been turned on?

Yes, sort of. The haze disappears once I wet the glass. Sometimes is reappears after it’s been turned back on but sometimes the haze is back sooner than that.

Go to a local heat/cooling outfit that sells gas fireplaces and purchase the cleaning chemical that is intended for this issue. I had the same problem and once I used the right cleaner the problem was taken care of!

My apologies for not providing the name of the product but it’s been a few years ago.

Trust me, they will be impressed! Also, you can offer the same service for residential gas fireplaces!