Feeling it in the Morning?

I wear sneakers with custom orthotics.

So trench feet wears sneakers to work. Now that’s funny. :sunglasses:


Back when I was on the road, I tore up my feet something terrible with blisters and the like. All i can wear now are sneakers. Unless Mrs Jones doesn’t mind me walking around her house barefoot.

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That’s good advice I noticed now that I’m a fat dude everything is worse and everything is harder to do

…How fat are you?..just asking…

Typically my first feeling is something positive and grateful.

I hear you. In my later 30s. Old injuries catching up. Always find my body is sore for the first few weeks of busy season.

I need to stretch and eat on the regular as well

Had this sweet routine going and lost it few nights back.


Sorry to hear some folks are down. Try to make some positive changes and things will improve some.

Good shoes are important and so is a really good bed. Expensive I know.


Being over weight is killing my bottom line. :sunglasses:

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burnout is a real risk in this job [rather than your body wearing out] burnout is when youve had a shedload of hard physical effort and your body cries out “enuf is enuf!” . youve nothing else to give,so you give up

iv seen this happen to several in my own area, young men ,not oldies like me [50] what they should have been doing was taking on a helper or 2, to shoulder the load. i almost burnt myself out too ,at year 2 i was getting tired but not thinking of what was coming ahead [the burnout]

i quizzed my own family who offered bad advice " cut back and trundle on" "you employ thats typical you ,youre getting lazy "

employing at end of year 2 was what i did [and have never regretted] and im now in year 9 with 3 employees . im still on the ladders but its a measured effort, never dead beat tired, the loads shared now


I see what you did there

Thinking of starting a new thread. Is being over weight killing your bottom line?

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Nope I’m in good shape

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@jonnyald I love how this came up naturally, and excellent points. Can I quote some of this in an upcoming video on Burnout?


sure. its a most awful feeling [the period jus prior to burnout] you climb out of bed day after day ,feeling beaten as if had a fight the night before. a big workload awaits you …


I gained about 40 pounds in 6 months

0k…that’s just chunky then, not really fat.:grin:

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It’s just your winter weight! :wink:

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Anyone have any suggestions about how to deal with numb arms in the middle of the night or during pole work?

I get numb arms if I have my hands are above my head while I sleep on my back. Never had that happen during pole work.

Do you keep your hands above your head for long periods using a pole? Cause they should really be as near to waist level as possible.

Yes. I get that. And do try to limit upward motion but some high stuff it seems is unavoidable. Busy season it’s at its peak.

Repetitive motion really does it. If I sgueegee pane after pane all day sometimes my right arm goes numb during fanning. I’ll stretch quick standing there and that seems to help a little. I’m guessing there’s a pinched nerve there somewhere.

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