DIY Pump box/booster pump box

Do you use 1/4" hose as your hose to connect to the spigot? I am thinking of getting a smaller diameter hose for that so that I can have 100-150ft of hose without taking up too much room as I’m tight for space in my vehicle. also, are you using water specific hose or can you just use air hose?..

I use garden hose to spicket just to keep as much of the public water pressure into my system.

From system I reduce hose size.

There is some hose that is universal, air/water but I have found many differences.

I am very specific on what I like to use. Feel of hose, kink resistant, easy to coil or wind on reel, available length and hose size id and od.

I have found two window cleaning specific hose I really like. The best being Phoenix Code Red for my preference.

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Hey there This is Mitchell Here in the GA the Pump and Switch are currently unavailable. Any suggestions on back up replacements for these 2 things. thanks I would greatly appreciate it.

I have 3 new in the Box shuflo 8000 946 138

$110 + shipping

do you have a website you are selling them on?
I have limited replies find me on facebook Clearer Vision Enterprise

is there a difference between the 8000 946 138 and the 8000-543-138

Would need to read specs, there is but how much? May be pressure or shut off pressure.

I also have the switches too

For an even 100, I’ll buy one and will pick up.

Would you be willing to sell one to me? I can send you the money via PayPal or check. I’m located in Lexington KY. Had bookmarked this thread and I ran into pressure issues twice this month which means it’s time… Thank you in advance.

I’d be interested in knowing if Shurflo 8000-543-138 can be used in place though. Looks like the same fittings, 100 psi, just 1.8 GPM instead of 1.4 GPM. Maybe @Infinity was using this one…

I don’t recall which shurflo I had. Somewhere around 1.8gpm, though. You can use most anything if you have a basic speed controller to slow the pump down to your desired gpm.

Something like this would work:

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Send me an email I can send you

[email protected]


Thanks a bunch. I just emailed you.


Thanks for the tip!

What type of quick connects are those, on the wfp hose?

All my connections are Rectus 21 even my splitters to run 2 poles.

I find them to have good flow and very durable. Especially with employees who beat up everything they touch

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And where do you buy those? I’ve been searching around for awhile…


Or Amazon

6mm for the 1/4inch hose?

Off hand I dont recall, everything is labeled in my trailer but dont have access to it right now.

Be sure your looking at the inner diameter

6mm = 0.23622 inches

7mm = 0.275591 inches

I’d go with the 7mm to attach to a 1/4” ID hose. Better snug than loose.